Name: Queen Hair Closure Transparent Lace Body-Wave Brazilian Natural-Color 100%Human-Hair
SKU: 6M5DwMjw
Rated 5/5
based on 2 Reviews
Queen Hair Official Store
When it comes to online shopping there is definitely lots of difference between E-shop and real shop. Even though E-shop is not an entity - the goods are displayed in the form of some pictures online in order to make people know more about the merchandise Queen Hair Closure Transparent Lace Body-Wave Brazilian Natural-Color 100%Human-Hair without actually holding them. The real shop has everything on display, which we could touch, however , we must keep our homes to do this....Get Yours
Customer reviews:
Date: 16 Apr 2021 Logistics: Fedex IP
Date: 03 Mar 2021 Logistics: Fedex IP